Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Still Alive!

Don't worry! I'm still here! Sorry, I get very preoccupied with things. Well, I discovered just how much I do with Internet. Know how I discovered that? We had no Internet for an entire day. We went to two places with wifi, but I left my laptop at home! #Oops. But, hey, I think it's awesome for everyone to take a break from electronics now and then! If only I could convince my sister... she doesn't read my blog, so I can talk about her! (Serves ya right Raven, for not reading it!) She has this thing for the INdoors. I have this thing for the OUTdoors. She's a city girl, I'm a country girl. Even though, we've grown up in the same place. I guess I'm just more willing to rebel. Well, tonight I'm going to band practice with Lauren, Audrey, Raven, and my friend Sadie Anne. Sadie Anne is my Nancy Drew buddy, and she loves it as much as I do! She's awesome, just like all of my friends! And, of course, all you guys who follow my blog are awesome! And I"m not just saying that. Anyways, I'm replacing my giant queen sized bed that I've had since I was little with a loft bed and a futon. We're expecting my loft bed, hopefully at the very latest, on Friday! I'm soooo happy! Let's see, I got the I Heart Radio app! I love it, and I've found out that I love Carrie Underwood. Oh, and I injured my foot very badly. Don't worry! It's not broken and I can walk! But that's probably another story for another post. I'm going to try to learn Spanish! So, thanks for reading my blog! Adios!

Love, Anna and Kate


  1. Hey, friend! I got your button done, by the way. I hope you like it! I also awarded you! :)

  2. WOW Thanks so super much! Okay, so I went to your blog, copied the code, and then I went to gadgets in blog layout. Unfortunatly, when I went to 'custom gadget' it said there was a problem, and to try refreshing the page. So I did, then my laptop died so it basically rebooted, but still, nothing. I'll have to try again later. But seriously though, thanks so super much!!! It's great to have friends in the blogging world! <3
