Sunday, February 10, 2013

Secrets To Kill For

I am officially at my 96th blog post and cruising down the highway of life! With the windows down! So since today is Sunday, I haven't done all that much. I read this story on Fanfiction (I hate fanfiction, but I'm making an exception for this ONE) and I went to Dollar Tree and Walmart with my Mom. Last night after Sabbath we went to Walmart and I got a new outfit for ice skating. And yes, I still am in Basic 6. I think I'll get past it soon though! Anyway, my outfit is all black with black pants and a black jacket. It doesn't have a hood, but it's suppperrrrr comfy! And when I put it on last night after we bought it, I discovered it has THUMB HOLES! I am currently wearing my dream jacket. In fact, I've decided that this with be my spy costume for my movie that I mentioned in my last post! I've decided to name it "Secrets to Kill For", but I'm really hoping to come up with something awesomer. Lauren, Audrey, Maddie, Me, and Becca are all going to be in the movie. Along with a few extras of course. O.o I think I might have just heard thunder... Anyways, if you've got any ideas for my- Yup. That was thunder. What I was saying was if you have any ideas for the title of my movie, I'd be honored if you tried to come up with something awesome! Then told me what you came up with, of course. It has to do with a twin who didn't know she was a twin, nuclear bombs, regular bombs, lies, deception, a double agent, and a murder that wasn't really a murder. I know, I've been going on about this movie for two posts now, but try making a movie yourself. It's soooooooooo much fun! Well, I'd like to thank Laura Ashley for following my blog, (spread the word that we're awesome over here, would ya? ;) ) and thanks to all of you for reading my blog! Now, I'm going to go finally eat nachos for lunch :D

Love, Anna and Kate


  1. Thanks! I was hoping for something better, maybe even just one word (those are cool and very 'in') But I couldn't think of anything!
