Friday, February 15, 2013

V Day Stuff

Hello there! Sorry I didn't make a special Valentines day post, but there really wasn't much to say anyways. I was totally bored yesterday, that's for sure! My Mom was the only one who gave me a Valentine too :'( even though I gave my entire family Valentines! *Sigh* oh well. My friend that I've mentioned before, Eunice, and I were talking last night. We were both lonely and we decided to play a game over texting. She takes a picture and sends it to me, I take a picture and send it to her... and that's it. Yeah, yesterday wasn't the best Valentines day I've ever had in the world, that's for sure. Have I ever mentioned I'm single and always have been? That might be part of my problem (Hahaha). Well, in case any of you were wondering, my Spy movie is going fairly well. I've lost motivation but I'm going to force myself to keep going! I hope. The internet is so boring yet distracting, you know? Oh, and I've also picked out the music for my trailer, and I have my costume for my spy suit picked out! I'm wearing it right now mostly because it's comfy and it's Danskin so I was wearing skating. In case you guys were wondering, the music for my trailer is "Let the Battle Commence" by Daniel Nielson. Yes, I know, it's by someone else that I've never even known before, but 1: it's AWESOME! 2: it's just an at home movie, so I think it would be fine since I'm not getting money for it or anything. Well, sorry this post was so short, and I hope you've had a better Valentines Day (or as Eunice calls it, Singles Awareness Day) than I have!

Love, Anna and Kate

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