Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spy Movie

Hi there! I'm not sure if this is going to blow your minds or not, but I'm making a movie! I'm not sure of the title of it yet, but I can tell you it's about spies. I have the first three scenes planned out, and I have the characters and their names, and who's going to play the characters, and I have a vague plot in my head. That's it. I have people for all the jobs I need, but now I just have to start on the script. And I want to script to be at least 60 pages long. Yeah. I know. It's going to take for-e-v-e-r. But i don't mind. I think it's going to be tons of fun! Now I just have to get the comstume matieral, the costume designs, cameras, the finished script, all of my friends who are helping me together, make up, and... I really hope that's everything! Have any of you guys ever made a movie before? I've written one, but nothing ever got done with it. Any suggestions for a good spy movie name? It has to do with a good guy spy who was murdered, but they don't find the body when they try, and she was carrying top secret plans for a nuclear bomb. Then later the three good guy spies see her alive, then she disappears. And in the end the girl who got killed didn't really get killed and she was really a bad guy not a good guy. And the supplies needed for the nuclear bomb are slowly disappearing from different plants all over the country. Any thoughts? I really love feed back! Well, sorry there's not much else in this post, but I don't really have much else to say! Thanks for reading!

Love, Anna and Kate


  1. Check out my Solstice Media blog to see how MY plans for a movie are going. :P Also, if it's a modern movie, BUYING costumes instead of making them will be cheaper, easier, and probably better in the long run. Fabric costs TONS of money, and sewing them together is extremely complicated and difficult. :) Just a few tips.

    - Maddie

  2. Yeah, I probably should buy costumes. It's just a matter of finding a spy costume that's not innopropriate. And I'm going to start the script today as far as I know. And I did check out your blog.
